Completing Kindergarten

I just finished wiping the table for the 3rd time today (sticky fingers abound here), and I had a minute to finally sit down and work on paying some bills when it struck me.... we are 5 days... 5 DAYS from finishing up our first full year as homeschoolers. If you had told me we would survive and even thrive this past year after we had just started, I probably would have laughed you out the door. I mean, come on, I was pretty doubtful, especially after our rough start with Amelia being so little and demanding, Derek being deployed, and me trying to juggle our lives while maintaining a facade of "I got this".

Both Emma and I have learned so much, and I'm sure that's what every mom and kid says at the end of a school year, but it really is true. Not only have we managed to learn how to count to 100, do simple math, sound out some small words, but we also learned that Emma does her best work at 10 AM. We learned that I sometimes have to be my own cheerleader when everyone around me is throwing doubts on top of my own pile of doubts. We learned that some days just require a field trip to the zoo and then froyo to make things all better. Some days there were tears, both from Emma and myself, but we made it through with mostly smiles and happy days of learning.

So happy this girl loves to learn!


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